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    Jack Withrow

    Let’s talk about Pennsylvania Withrow history. Who has a question or comment?

    Peter Hess

    Greetings, I am from the branch going back to John Withrow 1770-1860 of Pleasant Grove, Westmoreland County PA. This John Withrow fist shows up in the 1810 census in Pleasant Grove, Westmoreland County. My mother is part of the John Withrow- Daniel Withrow- Morgan Feasanton Withrow-Orlando Withrow branch that relocated to Bowling Green Ohio. Morgan Feasanton Withrow moved to Bowling Green Ohio following the Civil War when his father remarried to work on his mother’s brothers (Dalley) farm. I have a good DNA match with the kin of the brothers and sisters of the Pleasant Grove branch. However, and most interestingly, I also have a DNA match with the kin of Beaver County Withrow branch. John Withrow of Pleasant Grove was a tanner. I see that the John Withrow of South Huntington Twp., Westmoreland County was also a tanner. I see more than a coincidence in both pf these people being in the same profession. I submitted my DNA results to the project. Could the Beaver County and the Pleasant Grove Withrow’s be linked? Looking for opinions, facts, paths.

    Peter Hess

    That is the John Withrow of 1777-1861 in Pleasant Grove, Donegal-Cook township, Westmoreland county, PA.

    Patrick Stumpf

    Hello! I am descended from John Withrow who moved from Pennsylvania to Washington, Kentucky (where he died around 1833). Not sure who his parents are.

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